The founding of the Self-Realization Fellowship/Yogada Sat Sangha, and the legacy left by Paramahansa Yogananda are an advanced global spiritual dispensation needed by many in this 21st century and beyond. Thousands of years will pass before it even looks out of date.
Yogananda brings great emphasis on creating more harmony among the worlds religions and nations, bringing Peace & Brotherhood instead of war, and how to attain communion with Reality/God through Grace and Personal Effort.
This site will also deal with the great question of the need for a Guru of Self-Realization on the path of self-transformation.//////
SRF/YSS is not New Age, although it is similar to New Thought.
It is not a cult, it is a community of souls working towards spiritual freedom before death,
Self-Transformational growth and Self-Realization.
"It is not a branch or offshoot of any other major faith, It is not a creed or dogma" said Yogananda, " it is the science of the soul and Spirit," The Science of Kriya Yoga.
A non-sectarian society sharing the essence of all great spiritual paths.
Self-Realization Fellowship does not seek to take anyone away from their faith,
or abrogate the essential teachings of true previous divine dispensations.
But it has come at this time, after centuries of misdirection of the masses,
to restore the original teachings of Jesus, Krishna, Sankara, and other Christs, and
show the essential truths underlying all great faiths as a common basis for world harmony.
You can start right where you now are and transform your understanding
and consciousness from external popular ideas to inner true belief and wisdom.
Without this major reversal of the direction of your attention and concentration,
there is no true spiritual experience or salvation, no matter what your faith is!
You must learn the art of switching your attention/awareness from the outer
world of relativity to the inner world or Reality - God.
I hope to share ideas with all open minded persons free of dark prejudices, attachments,
resentments, and competitive attitudes, the many blessing to be obtained from one of
the modern worlds greatest Self-transformational spiritual Masters/ life coaches.
I write here as a witness from the progress I have made in my
own life by listening to and working with a true Guru/Master, a Living Christ.
From when Yogananda first came into my life greater freedom and awareness
and many other blessings continually flow into it. Obedience to a true Living
Guru, freeing one from sense slavery and increasing mastery of all aspects ones life
is the road to real freedom. Stay the way you are and you will never leave slavery!
The glowing history of so many divinely God Realized persons
who are in this YSS/SRF lineage, and with the sincere practice of these
teachings are an unbroken testimony that is undeniable to honest seekers.
The evidence is completely in the results, are you humble enough to take many
years to learn about such results through study and practice?
Anything worthwhile is worth the effort! meditation + devotion is the way!
If not - this may not be for you!
This is a profound, demanding, and advanced spiritual, mystical path, based upon the science of Kriya Yoga. It is a balanced path of love, austerity, and service with great rewards. It is not for those of shallow intellectual disposition, or for the undisciplined loafers, who egotistically never will change themselves. It is not appealing to person who seek to be missionaries or teachers long before they are ready. You can't save the world until you save yourself. If you imagine in your small intellect you know more than these great ones/the living prophets, this path is clearly not for you..
It is not a path for those who are lazy, restless, and weak of will, or cynical.
Persons self enamored with their own overblown intellects are correct in thinking
a real God cannot be known by their prime intellectual method alone,
truth will be most often evasive. Those who have penetrated to the heart of
Reality/Brahman have done so by adding the powers of devotion and intuition
to their great intellects. It is not intellect alone that will break the barriers
of the worlds illusions, of your limited programming - but intellect plus intuition plus yoga sciences!
This is now a real intelligence which leads to true faith true realization of the Self.
Reason alone, working through an undisciplined mind that is still locked into the
cultural limitations of ones childhood programming is equally as blind as blind faith.
Half of our brain - the intellect works with reason, good but still just the
intellect rehashing its old patterns. Thus reasoning can be just a s flawed as blind faith.
Intellect is also the victim of limitations of wrong data and/or incompetent assessments. The missing ingredient is highly developed intuition. This is how the Great Ones found their way to Reality/Salvation and knew God before death. We all have the opportunity of accelerating our
evolution and permanently be free of forced reincarnation.
Intuition is from the other half of our brain and is most effectively developed
through Kriya Yoga meditation and spiritual devotion.
When these two faculties are developed and balanced then one is blessed with a very clear and insightful clear intelligence. Intuition and reason together can show one the way with the help of one who is already there. The Guru is in a class beyond expert and is indispensable to the totally serious seeker. Whereas a teacher or cleric is suitable for the average devotee.
A true savior -Guru- Spiritual master...One who has attained Yoga
[union with the One Reality] and knows God no longer depends upon a human body
to work with His/Her devotees. So he/she does not need a succession of gurus for parampara
to be validated.
In the 19th & 20th century, India, Santana Dharma, [yoga] produced a
number of great souls who are the equal of any savior to ever be
known in Human history. Yogananda and many other credible writers have
now brought this to the world's attention. Claims to the contrary are made by
fearful protective bound believers who cannot bear the competition. Who may
yet be steeped in the towers of intolerant exclusivism.
Why do we need to follow anyone at all? Without religion many can lead a life of
goodness. That does cover the level of leading a moral live. However in the
field of true religion morality is only the foundation - nothing more.
So until one is self-realized, we are as blind people wandering through
unproductive years full of the false promises of our ancestors.
In this relative world we are still only barely existing in another level of
dreaming. Relativity is not reality - it is relativity!
The Great Ones are Masters who have found the way to reality, they can
show us the way out of all of this false programming.
They know the best way out of this dream world of Relativity.
Do you still believe this world is real, or that it can meet all your needs?
Millions have found otherwise.
All endeavors are similar, if you want the best guidance and success
you must work with an expert, one who has already made it there and
back and knows the way...only such true Gurus can really help you in this
most difficult of all human quests.
Persons with self-exaggerated presumptions of their own status who have imagined that by a few short readings and brief periods of practice they think they have an clear understanding of Yogananda and the Self-Realization teachings and history are sadly mistaken. You don't!
Or persons who are under the influence of copy cat teachers and are not what they seem.
We see this all the time from detractors of Yogananda's work
who have somehow assumed, either with misunderstanding or
by other private agendas, that they know only the presumed faults of a
spiritual master whose stature they have not yet even begun to grasp.
Many of these detractors are still suffering from a deep
stress of cognitive dissonance. Follow them NOT!
¿Qué es .... Autorrealización?
Paramahansa Yogananda nos dice que;"Self-Realization es el conocimiento-en cuerpo, mente y alma, que somos uno con la omnipresencia de Dios, para que nosotros no tenemos que rezar para que venga a nosotros, que no somos más que cerca de él en todo momento, pero que la omnipresencia de Dios es nuestra omnipresencia, que somos sólo una parte tan importante de él ahora que nos volverá a ser .............. Todo lo que tenemos que hacer es mejorar nuestro conocimiento ".
What is ....Self-Realization?
Paramahansa Yogananda tells us that;
"Self-Realization is the knowing-in body, mind and soul- that we are one with the omnipresence of God; that we do not have to pray that it come to us, that we are not merely near it at all times, but that God's omnipresence is our omnipresence ; that we are just as much a part of Him now as we ever will be. ............. All we have to do is improve our knowing."
"Self-Realization is the knowing-in body, mind and soul- that we are one with the omnipresence of God; that we do not have to pray that it come to us, that we are not merely near it at all times, but that God's omnipresence is our omnipresence ; that we are just as much a part of Him now as we ever will be. ............. All we have to do is improve our knowing."
What do you really want? Community comfort or the sure Path of finding Reality?
I can appreciate that some of you have a longing of many questions to be answered. It is a sign that you sincerely would like answers to your
My heart goes out to you - I have been there!
Before I was ever introduced to Paramahansa Yogananda and Self-Realization Fellowship I was
studying the Bible, and only knew a little about Yoga, and nothing about
biblical languages.
Yet, even then I saw that Reincarnation and Yoga are all through the bible - especially the Gospels.
But it was not until after I began to understand the intimacy and significance of the master/disciple relationship that I became aware that Jesus never implied that He was the only way to salvation for all nations and culture. A mind expanding pluralism that is now well supported by the availability of much the worlds great historical data and sacred writings the WWW has brought to our fingertips.
Yet, even then I saw that Reincarnation and Yoga are all through the bible - especially the Gospels.
But it was not until after I began to understand the intimacy and significance of the master/disciple relationship that I became aware that Jesus never implied that He was the only way to salvation for all nations and culture. A mind expanding pluralism that is now well supported by the availability of much the worlds great historical data and sacred writings the WWW has brought to our fingertips.
Moreover, just like our friend Ralph Waldo Emerson, once I
found the Bhagavad Gita
I knew I was on the right track. It was a beginning on the path to true salvation. Once Emerson read that
remarkable holy book and He used it as his personal bible for the rest of his life.
[read what he has said about it - it's amazing].
Buddha also was a Yogi through and through. As was Jesus and others too.
If you can't see these things in the bible, it is because of your cultural programming.
They also had teachers and Gurus. Make no mistake, these are two very different types
of mentors.
It can be somewhat disillusioning when one runs into a
mystical advanced path like Kriya Yoga before one is ready and is still
drifting in the wind looking for everything else.
Those "who have grasped the import" and value of SRF yoga by and large [like 98%] have gained immeasurable freedom and self-transformation in their lives. This is one of the main reasons why Yoga is literally sweeping the world- and this is just the beginning.
Those "who have grasped the import" and value of SRF yoga by and large [like 98%] have gained immeasurable freedom and self-transformation in their lives. This is one of the main reasons why Yoga is literally sweeping the world- and this is just the beginning.
It is all because of the results, what you may read in the Autobiography of a Yogi is only the
beginning of this wonderful life enhancing adventure. And if you've read that book only once
you may have missed most of its valuable message. There is a lifetime of wisdom in His other writings from Self-Realization Fellowship as well- especially the SRF Lessons Course.
Reincarnation? Just how all this started who in the world
Just like people now living on Aboriginal lands of the western world.
The whole process seems to have come about by the greatest of political evils and genocide.
The problem is we now live here and it is too crowded to all head back to
so we must work at life where we are and make something good from now on.
so we must work at life where we are and make something good from now on.
Likewise here we are born into this world, and the scientific
and spiritual evidence in mounting like crazy that reincarnation is the most
plausible process re souls living in these bodies over and over.
So, in this modern age we are so fortunate that we now have more ways of testing
this truth and now have various great paths and methods of bringing the
process to an end.
The decision is fully and clearly ours.
AS we can see from Yogananda's definition of Self-Realization -
AS we can see from Yogananda's definition of Self-Realization -
""Self-Realization is the knowing-in body, mind and soul- that we are one with the omnipresence of God; that we do not have to pray that it come to us, that we are not merely near it at all times, but that God's omnipresence is our omnipresence ; that we are just as much a part of Him now as we ever will be. ...... All we have to do is improve our knowing."
This is what it's all about. Self-responsibility and initiative. It is not about all that other
stuff of paying a priesthood or club to guarantee us a place in some heavenly
realm. Promises, those who have no power to guarantee them.
Jesus was never about intolerant exclusivism. "Only one way " Reincarnation
was not from any form of paganism, It was at that time a beloved wisdom of even the Hebrews and Greeks, even though some pagans did come to believe
in it. And of course today nearly half of Christians believe in it - and still growing. So much for
Justinian's terrible edict passed by a kangaroo court to make it an anathema! That change was not dictated by any spiritual wisdom, not by some theological rational, it was purely for political control.
The result being that after 1500 years of blind religious programming when most church goers read the Gospels they can only see the resurrection day themes. This is the power of programming, and until you free yourself from it, you will continue to only "see through a glass darkly." as Paul said.
The result being that after 1500 years of blind religious programming when most church goers read the Gospels they can only see the resurrection day themes. This is the power of programming, and until you free yourself from it, you will continue to only "see through a glass darkly." as Paul said.
Few in history have made this all so clear as Yogananda. Read again and you will see that!
SRF is not perfect - and as they themselves teach so clearly
-" that nothing in this world is perfect so don't expect it." But
they are a great and caring organization. The Master set it up in a manner that has avoided many of the common pitfalls that plagued previous divine dispensations. Yogananda has brought to the world a great deal of spiritual understanding and the methods of how to become a Christ, how to enrich your life, and the most advanced self-transformational approaches in this modern era.
Some of India's greatest saints acclaimed Yogananda as
a true Paramahansa. Yoganandas Spiritual Legacy
ANANDA and Self-Realization Fellowship - My Story !
It was at a very youthful age that I was attracted to the study of
comparative religion. Out of this search of many years for a
better way, a clearer awareness of truth, I was eventually directed to the life and work of Paramahansa Yogananda, founder of the Self-Realization Fellowship/YSS.
At that time my disposition was one of serious anti organization
and strong independence - and not consciously seeking any kind of spiritual teacher. It was an intellectual one sided quest until I found SRF/YSS. Then my life slowly came into more balance.
When, out of the vast everywhere, the great prophet Paramahansa Yogananda introduced himself to me through a book written about Him, given to me by someone very close to me. It became immediately evident that through a series of very exact influences over the years
in my life, that it was He alone who had been directing my steps and
educating me for several years in the great quest of the Spirit.
Reading His book, although I was momentarily in sort of a state of shock, I knew both intellectually, and intuitively that Yoganandaji was my true and "living Guru" - my spiritual living teacher.
It was 1958 and I clearly felt His living presence radiating from this wonderful publication from SRF, “The Master Said,” by Paramahansa Yogananda. This volume is now titled, “Sayings of Paramahansa Yogananda.” The book He used to introduce Himself at the right moment in my life. Then I received an even greater awakening once I read "Autobiography of a Yogi" for the first time.
I promptly took the SRF lessons course, but later momentarily hesitated re receiving Kriya Yoga, and only through a little reflection and some wise guidance from SRF Mother Center did I decide to
go for it! The best decision I ever made in my life! Eventually I experienced all the good that comes from listening to the Guru.
He created this organization, this sacred community, for a divine purpose. It was also due to the devoted work , loyalty, and saintliness of many who serve SRF that we can all enjoy the great benefits and inspirations of their publications, personal guidance and counseling, and the many blessings that millions have known over the years through various contacts with the life and work of Yogananda through Yogananda’s only church – the Self-Realization Fellowship.
For those of you who are still searching for a spiritual path,
and salvation in God-Realization. I give my personal testimony
that if you are attracted to this Yogananda, this truly
Living Guru, through YSS/SRF He still provides all that you will ever need to reach your highest goals.
Be it greater creativity, self-empowerment, happiness, divine realization understanding and getting along harmoniously with others,
inner psychological and spiritual healing, success, or cosmic consciousness.
Between the SRF/YSS Lessons Course and other SRF/YSS publications – it is all there. And this all comes with personal counseling and guidance from SRF/YSS monastics, ministers and other staff members who are always helpful.
Nowhere did our gurus say that “after you learn such and such
you need to find another path to take you further.” That is not
the Guru/discipleship system works, and any such talk is by those who may be desperately seeking power and more followers.
The record shows that without doubt, what the master left us
works for all attuned sincere and loyal devotees.
With the right effort, loyalty, & attunement, you will find it all in the
SRF/YSS masters and teachings. These teachings supply
many important elements that have been missing from most popular religious movements for a long time.
That most advanced “science of religion” that makes all
the difference in the world, given in a balanced teaching, and the example of such divinely advanced leadership that we have seen in
SRF/YSS lineage in both India and America.
This Spiritual Legacy [a divine global dispensation] will
will surely go a long way to bringing peace, unity, and understanding
to this divided world for future millenniums.
There was a time many years later that I met J Donald Walters
on about 3 occasions. The last time, around circa 1979 I was driving through California after attending the wonderful SRF World Convocation My family and I had the opportunity to visit Ananda up near Grass Valley/ Nevada City area. We stopped there as I was
considering getting involved in some kind or spiritual community.
I must credit Mr Walters with saving me from a very serious
misdirection of my spiritual life. It wasn't anything negative he said.
But when I left Ananda after a long visit and a chat with JDW I had
the clearest feeling that this life was not for me. I felt something was
very wrong here and I could not put my finger on it.
We live and learn! It took me many more years to see that great
evils can and do occur in these communities when the leader is
too spiritually immature to be selfless advanced spiritual teacher.
Then there was those terrible court sessions that really exposed
Walters ignorance of his own sad psychological problems.
Problems that he failed to sort out even to the very end of his life.
He was truly the Judas of all of Master’s devotees, who did many
foolish and unspeakable things while struggling with the absurd obsession that he should have been the leader of all of Yogananda’s great work. [ See LA Times article from December 18, 2010 re film]
Even though Walters was very persuasive and cunning, he never had
any real spiritual depth, this especially showed up in his later years.
He writes in his book that after moving to America, at school he was
made to feel like a “worthless human being.” [ The Path]The problem
never really went away. Shortly after Sri Daya Mata’s passing, Walters had the nerve to say to someone {la Times etc] that, “SRF and Ananda could join,” if SRF made him the next president. Not on your life..
What egotism! What gall!
Even Yogananda warned Walters about the future, “Donald, you are not going to disappoint me- are you?” said the Master. And when all
is said and done, history shows Walters to be one of Yogananda’s
very great disappointments. He did much harm emotionally and
spiritually to many naive, trusting devotees.
There is an extensive documented history on all of this.
Much of what J Donald Walters wrote and Crystal Clarity wrote was
either twisted, plagiarized, and stolen from the intellectual material rights that Yogananda himself had clearly deeded solely to the Self-Realization Fellowship
He was essentially a thief, which he justified as he imagined himself
to be Yogananda’s number one boy. Such delusions are ever painful
for those who seek power long before they are ready. And I feel for all those who innocently imagined that Walters was some kind of guru. He was not even close to being anyone’s guru.
For some he was and interesting inspiration of sorts.
He had broken his monastic vows in various ways [by his own admissions] long before he was fired from SRF/YSS, and of course continually after founding Ananda. He was fired by SRF only after extreme patience on the part of Daya Mata and the board, and the final straw was when he was deported as “persona non grata” by the Indian government. Now why would the Gov of India do that??It left a very dark mark on YSS when the vice-president creates such offences that the government of India order Walters out of the country. Can you imagine how much that set back master’s work in India for many years! This is only one of many harms by JDW against Yogananda's great cause. All because of an obsession.
You may wonder why the Self-Realization Fellowship has never detailed all the reasons why Walters was fired. [It is very rare for an organization to fire and executive in the first place] This was a courageous and difficult decision for Sri Daya Mata and the SRF board of directors. But in the long run it proved to be a divinely wisdom guided decision that save the SRF from many future scandals and harms. Many thanks to the Board of Directors! Of course Ananda members will always want to cover up and stand by their pseudo guru. They were knowingly covering up his sexual exploits for years and years. And thought nothing of all his plagiarisms and personal struggles. Covering up the sins of another is not what friends do.
It amounts to a head in the sand consciousness.
Below is shown the up to date complete edition of Paramahansa Yogananda's Autobiography as He wanted it to be. Soon to be available on Kindle etc....................e version.
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to be continued ......................don't yet presume anything.
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